Karalee's Interesting Fact Expanded
I am extremely shy. This may not seem all that interesting at first glance, but it's scary to be shy. I have things to say, but I just can't say them. It's like I have this painful urge not to speak. To remain invisible and unnoticed by the world around me. Conversations never get anywhere, because I just can't make things come out, no matter how much I may want to say them. Meeting new people is terrifying. Even worse than meeting new people, is talking to someone I think is more powerful than me. Professors fall into this category, as do doctors, employers, and sometimes even store clerks. It's irrational, I know. But I just can't help it. It makes simple things in life much harder than they should be. Like applying for a job, calling the doctor's office, or starting a class like creative writing where I am expected to give input. Eventually, things can get better. I relax a little as time goes on and I get to know new people a little better. But it takes up valuable time, and I wish I could get over it. I was reading an article in TIME about shy children a few weeks ago, though, and it says that while being shy may cause some health problems, it is healthy to be a little shy. So maybe, just maybe, being shy isn't so bad.
Hey, it's cool that you recognize your shyness and are okay with it. I think that's very important in being able to overcome it during those times in life when you'll need to.
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