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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Laura's Interesting Fact Expanded

I graduated from high school knowing exactly what I was going to be when I grew up. I disdained those who half-heartedly mumbled, “I don’t know” whenever they were asked this all-important question by teachers and peers. But then…I got a little lost along the way:

You see, originally I was going to be a journalist, but then the scholarship didn’t come through right away from the school I really wanted to attend—so while I was waiting I attended the junior college in my hometown. While there, I worked on the school newspaper and decided journalism wasn’t for me. Meanwhile my scholarship came through, so I was off to St. John’s College with no clue as to what I would do with my life. As freshman year turned into junior year, I still had no idea how to answer that crucial question and St. John’s wasn’t exactly helpful in this regard—their philosophy is more like, “Let’s see how confused we can get you before you graduate.” (You try studying the history of western thought in depth and see where that gets you—can you say Nietzsche?)

Anyway, so I decided to take a break from the liberal arts and check out a couple majors at a more conventional college. In the end, I decided Psychology summed up the heart of my confusion best, and obtained a BS in Psychology at Utah State—that’s 3!

Then, I decided a master’s in Psychology really wasn’t for me—at least not yet—and that I really wanted to work with teenagers and study English. (I had rejected this option earlier as being too impractical—ha, ha!) So, here I am at SUU studying to be a high school English teacher, still an undergraduate, since a bachelor’s is cheaper than a master’s, and finally that’s 4! Fourth time’s the charm!


Blogger H said...

Ha! I can completely relate to this entry! What you have done is exactly like what my mind is like twently-four hours a day. I can be indecisive, then resolute, sure my decision is right, only to look back and come to find out, door number 2 would have been far better, but can't get back to the beginning to find door number 2, so just pretend to start over and mark my beginning at that point. It's good to know other people are like me.

8:47 AM, September 04, 2005  

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