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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Uncanny | Sidney Jordan

My room mate last week came home from work and wanted to chillax, so she made a drink. Three... or five later, she stood up. This is never a good thing. Standing up after sitting and drinking. She was all sloppy and giggling. It's was funny to watch her stumble around the living room playing with the dog.

Finally when we got her to stop talking and say good night. She went down the hall to go to bed. ONE, TWO, Step. The step she missed. Smack, crack and rooling legs is all we heard. She had successfully made it down three steps before fallling down to the bottom. I jumped up and ran to the top of the stairs. Her head was in the hall way and her legs were stuck in the door way of the bottom stair. I made sur she was ok before laughing at her.

Well funny storie short. She had an impartant job interview in the morning. We had to put cove up her eyes and cold wash rags on them to take the puffyness away, from all of the crying. She looked like hell. The three of us worked on her. We did out best then sent her on her way. Maybe next time she wont sit and drink. It's a deadly combination.


Blogger Dr. P said...

You should really check your posts for errors in spelling and so forth.

3:03 PM, September 10, 2005  

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