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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Visceral | Roma Peddle

While I lived in California this summer, I was very aware of the homeless problems in each area. It was not only because there were so many of them, but probably more because I grew up in So. Tah, and haven't really seen my share of homeless. Even though they all share the same common problem, the difference between each of them is how they got there. I know each of them has a story. Not all of them have drug or alcohol problems which confined them to the streets; which was why it was so hard for me to just look away like the majority of Californians habitually do. Seeing these people would give me the worst feeling, and even though we were totally broke in Cali, Tiff and I did our best to give these people what we could. We tried to avoid giving cash, since we'd been told not to by most Californians and we heard that some of the people on the streets aren't even really homeless, and that they just stand out there for drug money. So most of the time, we'd order an extra taco or hamburger and offer it to whoever we saw on the streets that day. We knew that the ones who were thrilled to receive it really needed it, but those who declined our offer were probably the ones that "fake" livin’ on the streets (as ridiculous as that may seem). All in all, each person was impossible to just ignore, and we couldn't help feel pity on every single one of them.


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