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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Monday, January 23, 2006

Moment | Faye Phillips

Driving into the already crowded parking lot, my hope for a good day faded away. My shift would start in ten minutes. The first day I'd be at work would start at the same time. Nervousness over took me as I sat in the explorer, thinking of everything I could do to postpone that second I would walk through that door. Staring at the clock, I wished it wouldn't move those last few minutes, but the pasing of time is inevitable. Finally I had to step out of the safety of the vehicle, pausing to brush off my green shirt and straitened the matching hat. Taking in a deep breath, I sighed, hoping for the best. Double clicking the lock button on the keychain an alarming honk sounded, making me jump even though I knew it was going to make that noise. A few more steps utill I would be in there. Grasping the handle, I couldn’t wait long before opening the door, a few people coming up behind me wanted to go in and order something. Never keep the customer waiting. The warm air flooded out as I held the door open, bringing with it the smell of fresh bread and double chocolate-chip cookies. It was inviting, feeling as if the cookie was already melting in my mouth. That was all I needed to put a smile on my face and go for it. With all my worries blown aside, I charged in with newfound courage and confidence.


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