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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Monday, October 30, 2006

Laura's Story | Ashleigh Word

Perfection shouldn’t make someone feel like this. Michael couldn’t help the fact his palms were sweaty, and that his stomach got a nauseated feeling every time he saw Allie. He just didn’t understand why his body reacted the way it did. He had been in love with Allie since the sixth grade - ever since the day she had given him a black eye when she pitched a fast ball during PE. She had been his best friend just as long, so he couldn’t comprehend why being near her caused him to sweat profusely and want to vomit. It had taken them so long to get to this point – to agree dating was what they should do - and everything was perfect. Or, at least, it should have been. But if it was, why was his body reacting so poorly?

I’ve wanted to go out with her forever! Why is this happening? We’ve been through so much together, I shouldn’t feel like this. I should be happy, not queasy! I mean, I suffered through her rejecting me for Brett and Todd and even Carl – and who would go out with Carl? I mean, come on, he smells like fish! And who was there every time her heart was broken? Me. And when I couldn’t take it anymore and finally decided to date around like her - and was even happy doing so - she decided to reciprocate feelings that I had discarded. Then, we finally end up on the same page, happy to date each other, to be more than best friends, and what am I doing? I’m having a mental breakdown! I’m not ready for this. What if it all goes wrong? What if I end up hating her, or worse – what if she ends up hating me? I could lose the best friend I ever had. Maybe I’m so nervous because I don’t want a commitment? No, that can’t be it. It’s because I do, but not at the risk of losing her. I have to end this now before it goes any further. There she is. Oh but she’s with Cami. DAMN IT! Oh, Cami’s leaving! Yes! Ok, here I go.


“Oh, hey Mike! Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

This is never going to work if she is so nice. Why does she have to be so nice?!

“Actually? No. I have something to say.”

“Okay, but I need to tell you first, I don’t think this whole thing, with us dating, is going to work out. I mean, I care about you, but I don’t want to risk losing you in the event we break up. You’ve been my best friend forever, and I don’t want to ruin that because we dated and it didn’t work out.”

I can’t believe it! I didn’t have to do it because she did it for me. Well, I’m a coward, but a coward who still has his best friend! Woo Hoo!

“Mike, are you okay? I really didn’t mean to hurt you now. Please tell me how to fix it.”

But Mike couldn’t tell her how to fix it because nothing was wrong. All he could do was hug her, and let her know everything was okay. In fact, everything was perfect.


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