Megan Frankowski | Introduction
I know this may sound crazy, but I don't like to eat over at other people's houses. You may be thinking "what is wrong with eating over at someone's house?" and well technically . . . nothing. The food and company are usually enjoyable, there is no mess to clean up, and you save time and money by just showing up. My problem comes with the dishes. I am a bit of a germophob, and this is especially true when it comes to dishes. I will not eat off of anything if it looks even remotely dirty. When I am at someone else's house I don't know how they washed the dishes, and my eyes are usually attracted to something that looks like stuck on food. It's disgusting. This fetish (I guess that would be a good term) does not just apply to other's houses. At home, I usually won't let my husband do the dishes unless I am completely swamped with other things and don't have the time. When I first buy new dishes at the store, I have to go home and wash them before I will use them. I like to do the dishes myself because that way I know they are clean. Now for the crazy twist. I don't have this problem when I go to clean-looking restaurants or when I go to my parents house. I don't really know how this started but it has been very sharply pounded into my brain that other people's houses equals dirty dishes. So I try to avoid eating at other people's houses when at all possible.
Labels: introduction, Megan F.