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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Friday, August 31, 2007

Megan Frankowski | Introduction

I know this may sound crazy, but I don't like to eat over at other people's houses. You may be thinking "what is wrong with eating over at someone's house?" and well technically . . . nothing. The food and company are usually enjoyable, there is no mess to clean up, and you save time and money by just showing up. My problem comes with the dishes. I am a bit of a germophob, and this is especially true when it comes to dishes. I will not eat off of anything if it looks even remotely dirty. When I am at someone else's house I don't know how they washed the dishes, and my eyes are usually attracted to something that looks like stuck on food. It's disgusting. This fetish (I guess that would be a good term) does not just apply to other's houses. At home, I usually won't let my husband do the dishes unless I am completely swamped with other things and don't have the time. When I first buy new dishes at the store, I have to go home and wash them before I will use them. I like to do the dishes myself because that way I know they are clean. Now for the crazy twist. I don't have this problem when I go to clean-looking restaurants or when I go to my parents house. I don't really know how this started but it has been very sharply pounded into my brain that other people's houses equals dirty dishes. So I try to avoid eating at other people's houses when at all possible.

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Blogger I Love Food said...

So, you wanna come over for dinner?? :-)
Seriously though, at first I thought that it was because you didn't see the person making the food and were worried about if they washed their hands, etc. Then you admitted to the dishes thing. I find it interesting that such a seemingly small one-time incident would cause such a change in someone. Then again, who wants to eat food with dried on icky mac and cheese on it.
So, you still wanna come to my house for dinner? (by the way, my kids usually do the dishes here...... hehehe)

10:09 PM, September 05, 2007  

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