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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tyler | Interesting Fact

In the summer between my junior and senior years at high school my hometown was evacuated due to a few screwed up Coloradans with guns. They tried to hit up a casino just outside of Cortez, but were pulled over for something as stupid as expired tags on the van they’d kifed. They had some automatic weapons and decided to kill the cop. Bad choice. They ultimately ditched the van and took off into the desert wilderness, seeing as how they were survivalists and all.

Anyway, they ended up in my town and we all had to relocate, all three hundred and fifty of us. Guys shooting stuff up with automatic weapons tend to make people nervous.

I leave town, but get kicked out of the refugee camp/middle school they provided us for hitting a dumb little kid in the face with a basketball. Clearly accidental. A couple days later I’m allowed to return home to have a black helicopter blatantly followed me around for a good fifteen minutes as tried to work. It made me uncomfortable, so I flipped the thing off and went inside. The next day I got on a plane and wind up in New York, one of the largest cities in the world. The locals actually knew where I was from! We got national coverage. People in Utah don’t even know where I’m from.

Anyway, the interesting fact about me is that I flipped off a black tag-along helicopter. How many people can say they did that?


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