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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Uncanny | Chelsea Trump

Yesterday, I decided that I needed to do laundry. To be perfectly honest, it was the first time I have ever done laundry by myself. So, I drove up to this little laundro-mat by Smiths called "The Missing Sock". Everything was going well until I happened to glance over at the area designated for children to play in.

It was a little walled in area covered with grey carpet with not a single toy. However, the lack of child friendy items wasn't the weird part. The unusual part was the sign. I assume it originally said, "Please do not leave child unattended" But most of the words had fallen off or been removed so that the sign simply read, "Please leave child"

Instantly my mind was filled with visions of a secret child labour ring run by the innocent looking laundro-mat. Perhaps, when night falls, the children are sent out to clean up for the next day. Or maybe they are the only ones with hands small enough to collect the quarters out of the machines. Noting once again the lack of toys, the children are obviously never allowed to play. So next time you're at a laundro-mat, remember the poor children and leave everything clean.


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