Moment | Laura Platt
It had been a while since I had thought of him more than in passing reference. It had hurt for what seemed like ages not to be with him, but I had moved on, to the point that he held little prominence in my heart. It had been my choice to block him out of my mind. It was odd how staring at the computer, a list of documents peering back was what induced me to think of him. The soft click of fingers over the surrounding keyboards was my only serenade for this moment. My short papers from that particular class, carefully saved, reminded me of the day I met him there. It was not the fond memories I dwelt on. I was there for one purpose, to delete. Delete the assignments, the memory of him, and delete the last portion of him I still clung to. There was a slight pang every time I okayed the erase. Three, then two, then one disappeared. I hesitated. Then they were gone--he was gone. The laughs, the experience, the pain, and the connection dissipated and I was left to redirect my attention indefinitely.
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