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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Monday, October 30, 2006

Yolanda's story| Liz Sorensen

A popular girl in highschool keeps denying a boy in her school because he isn't as popular as her. She dates all the jerks because they help her image. He doesn't give up and he keeps asking her out until finally she gives him a chance. After about one year of dating, he asks her to marry him. She denys him twice but finally says yes the third time because she has nothing else going on in her life. She basically marries him for practical reasons. She becomes bored with the marriage and they begin to fight. They seperate, and agree to date other people. She dates all different kinds of men and realizes no other man on the earth will ever treat her as well as he did. She realizes she truely is in love with the man she married. She thinks he will just be waiting for her to take him back, but when she tries to get back with him, he isn't sure he wants to. He's met another girl who was good to him from the beginning. He still loves the woman he married but he doesn't know if she deserves a second chance. He gives her one and they have a family and raise it together and live happily ever after.


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