Vessel | Stephani Walker
Wow. Height is definitely your forte. You have obviously never had a problem with that. All nine feet of you is quite amazing, if you do say so yourself. You have always found it dumb how people have to use ladders to change light bulbs and reach things on shelves. You see, you are special. You know what you want in life and you don’t care what people think. You have an amazing allure about you that just makes people stare. Perhaps it is those long, toothpick legs that with one step cover what an average person would take five. Maybe its your five foot tall torso… who knows. All you know is, that you love life and you know that you know that you are something else. You aren't afraid of anything, except of course, for chocolate, which will make you fat. You're greatest goal in life is to become a famous fake stilt engineer at a circus...
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