The Cat and Car Introduction | Kelly Cannon
Last year during the SUU job fair I became acquainted with the International Language Program. It’s an organization that takes volunteers to the Ukraine, China, and Russia to teach children English. I became very excited about this. It was a chance to do volunteer work, see another country, and teach, which are all things I want to do in my life. So I went to their website and read everything they had on there. I then was interviewed by ILP and was accepted into the program. After I was accepted into the program I had to fill out a butt load of paper work including applying for a passport. After that was all taken care of and I made my first payment to ILP (I have to pay a total of a little over two thousand dollars) I was assigned to a city. Next semester I’ll be living for six months in St. Petersburg, Russia. I was so psyched! I love Russia and St. Petersburg is full of so much history and culture. So I worked my tail off during the summer and paid for the rest of my trip. I love telling people that I’m going to live in Russia for six months. But the number one question I get when I tell people I’m going to Russia always brings me back to reality “Do you speak Russian?” I just look at them with a face that must say, “You caught me…” And I have to answer truthfully, “No, I do not.” It’s true. I’m going to be living in Russia for six months and I don’t speak a lick of Russian. Okay, not true. I know how to say “cat” and “car”. I don’t even know how to say “Hello” or “How are you?” or just to properly introduce myself. I keep telling myself I need to get on that but for some reason I just don’t. But if I don’t do something soon, I’m going to be in deep trouble when I land in St. Petersburg. It’s going to be hard trying to communicate with people when the only thing you can say is Koshka (cat) and Machina (car). They even have a different alphabet than us so that complicates things even more. I guess I could always just live in the airport and teach people English there…
ok so i'm sorry this has nothing to do with your writing style, but about your ILP experience! That is SO cool, i'm applying to do ILP taiwan in the spring! I'm excited for you, Russia will be awesome.
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