Plot | Laura Platt
Okay, this is on another planet is inhabited by humans. A sister planet is infested with a desease disigned to kill humans. The only vaccine in in the hands of the person who made the desease. He lives on a creature infested planet. The main character is a woman who has a high position in the military. She has been selected to go to the planet with the vaccine. She goes with her right hand man who she also has a relationship with. Just the two go to the planet so they are not detected and find the fortress that the evil dude is. They get caught. The guy that she is with betrays her and gives her in exchange for the vaccine. The desease dude wants to be a powerful human on the planet that she is from. He could use her to ransom the government into agreement. Eventually the guy that goes on the mission with the girl desides to set the girl free. They escape the planet. The evil dude already takes power on the home planet. On a secret and solitary mission the girl is to detain or kill him cause hes bad. The bad guy dies. Her helper man goes to jail for betrayal. She is now head of the military.
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