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Stranger Than Wal-Mart

"Some 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week, making it perhaps the single most unifying cultural force in the country."
Chris Anderson, The Long Tail

Friday, October 13, 2006

Punchline | Colin Maynes

Well, to completely honest I was relatively innocent until about my sophmore year of high school until then I basically just winged it. Whatever cool movies, songs, stories floated around high school I justs stayed on the sidelines and at the appropriate time I would say, "Yeah, that was awesome!!" Since then, I have learned to keep my mouth shut until I actually have something to contribute rather than white noise. One such occasion occured as such.
I was one of my A.P. classes and someone had mentioned how my friend Neil had basically been accosted at a urinal by some girl over spring break. Naturally I opened my mouth and my catch phrase spewed out "Yeah, that was awesome!!" and of course, I was called on my lie. "Dude you weren't there this happened in Mexico and we spent the entire time skiing and chilling." I turned as red as Tabasco sauce and said that I had heard the story from some kid in the hall before class. And after that an embarrassing silence setteled in the room and everyone started talking with their neighbor about whatever had they had done over the weekend.
That was embarrassing...


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