The Vessel | Cyane Kramer
There is a fence between confidence and just getting by. You stand at that fence, fingers stretching through the links, trying to squeeze to the other side; trying to convince everyone that you are already on the other side. Your clothing choices reflect the current conformity, every piece fitting the up-to-date fashion code for your age. Twenty or more dollars for any article you wear is cheap for you and your pocketbook, which you pretend is inexhaustible. You eat out almost all the time, as you are too busy trying to climb that fence to worry about taking care of yourself for the long haul. You built a façade, like a magic face that transports you to confidence, like a building on the wrong side that pretends to be right. You want to pretend that people can see you when you are acting exactly like them, that they regard you as a standout exemplary. You mask your insecurities by pretending that none of them exist. There is a fence between confidence and just getting by, and you want to pretend that just getting by is truly an example of confidence.
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