Post | Tyler Montgomery
College boy wakes up and eats Captain Crunch to ESPN Sportscenter. Ten minutes to eight his mom yells that he'll be late to class. He still watches the whole program. Gets in his parents' old '79 Volvo and roars towards the college. Despite the horrid parking he finds the perfect spot in front of the building just as he realizes that today is his midterm in Chemistry and he forgot his scantron. Not wanting to lose his spot he assumes he can bum one off of someone, and parks. As he walks into class just before the professor he spots a shoulder in the desk in front of him and taps it hurriedly to ask for the scantron. However, as Miss Omega County, the object of his daily chemistry day dreams, turns to answer his tap he mumbles with a dropped jaw that he needs her, but corrects it to he needs a scantron. As she passes back the needed scantron she tells him that she has something else for him after class. He just happens to notice her hand caress a pink stick it note on the front of her textbook and just knows it's for him. By question 20 of 100 he needs to know so he goes to the "restroom". On the way he pulls the fire alarm. As everyone leaves he returns and reads the note. Before he even reads it the teacher returns for his cellphone and accuses boy of cheating and rips the note. Dejected and with an F the boy walks outside to find the Miss Omega, who runs to him and asks him on a date.
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